What can BuriBooks do?

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Find out how BuriBooks can help your child discover a new and fun way of learning.


Largest collection of Filipino children’s books

BuriBooks has an extensive library of Filipino storybooks, with many of them having both English and Filipino translations.

Read in English or Filipino

BuriBooks has FIlipino children’s books available in both English and Filipino, so you can read and practice your comprehension in the language of your choice.

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Improve your child's vocabulary

Introducing the first ever searchable and interactive Filipino children’s dictionary: learn new words through dictionary entries accompanied by audio and playful illustrations.

Activities to sharpen your child's skills

Learning has never been more fun through BuriBooks’ library of K-12 aligned reviewers. Find a lesson that’s just right according to your child’s grade or skill level.

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Accessible on multiple platforms

BuriBooks is available for download on iOS and Android devices, so you can learn on the go! You can also use the BuriBooks web app on your home computer.